Tips on Home Staging

Selling your home can be quite an art. There can be a lot involved in staging your home just right so that prospective buyers fall in love with it and make the decision to buy. It can take some time, and it could take some money. If you want a quick sale at the price you want, however, then any investment made is well worth it. Follow these simple tips, and you have a greater chance of everything going well.

First Impressions Count

First impressions really do make a considerable difference. When it comes to staging your home, this means making the exterior of your home as attractive as possible. A sale is often made or lost before prospective buyers even set foot inside your home. Make sure that paths are clean and the lawn is mowed. Flower baskets will help to beautify the outside of the home considerably and make it an attractive proposition. Make the right first impression, and you are already closer to a successful sale.

Remove Clutter

People tend to want a home that is roomy, and a lot of clutter in the home will not help to portray a spacious home. Clutter can mean too many ornaments, too much furniture or pretty much anything that takes up space. Removing unnecessary clutter can be very effective at helping your home to look more spacious, taking you closer to getting the sale. If you really don’t wish to throw things away then you could consider placing some items into temporary storage. The important thing is to present your home in a manner that people can imagine themselves living in happily. You might even quite like the clutter yourself, but remember that you are not the one that’s making the decision on whether or not to buy.

A Lick of Paint

Although relatively inexpensive, fresh paint can work wonders in giving your home a new lease of life. You can also use different colours to great effect in helping to set the mood in your home. Brighter colours help to give a clean, spacious feel whereas darker colours can help to make a room feel cosier. You can also make small rooms look larger by painting them the same colour as an adjoining room. Keeping the same colour helps adjoining rooms appear seamless, giving the impression that they are larger.

Make the Most of Spare Rooms

Staging a house at its full potential will go a long way toward getting a sale. This means making the most of every room in the home, including spare rooms. If you use a room for storage, consider renovating this room into something homelier instead. Perhaps try converting it into a bedroom, or maybe a study. This will help prospective buyers to see the full potential in the home, encouraging them to make an offer.

Make Repairs

Does your home have squeaky floorboards, uneven shelves or doors that stick? Even small issues can help to create a negative image of your property, causing prospective buyers to choose another instead of yours. A little paint can often help to cover up damage and make the home look as good as new again, while various products can help you to fill cracks. Repairs around the home often cost more in terms of effort than they do in money, and the difference they can make can be significant.

Make it a Homely

People don’t just want a house to live in, they want a home to live in. With this in mind, present your home as a place that is being lived in by people. Keep things clean and tidy, of course, but don’t be too sterile with your arrangements. The idea is to make it easy for prospective buyers to imagine happily living in their new home. This will help them to make the decision to place an offer on your property.

A lot of what you need to do to stage your home in a positive manner is common sense. Some aspects, however, can be more nuanced and not clearly evident to begin with. Get it right, and you will improve your chances of getting a good offer on your home considerably. For further tips on selling you home see our Sellers guide.